Saturday, September 14, 2013

Too much information.

If you knew me pre-Chula I sorta understood skateboards, bikes, beer, music, chemistry, math and biology, still only partial do.  With my successfully stalking of Chula I became introduced to books, art and architecture.  Since this is a platform to present her with pictures of what she might like and I now appriciate you will be subjected to TMI.  If more book stores in the US looked like this I would have started reading pre-Chula.
Plaza down the street, I stepped in dog poo here. Regretfully no photo.

 Walking street a few blocks from my apartment. 
This is Plaza Independencia about 5 minute walk from my place.  Does the tall building looks like a Lego Santa Claus?
Chula loves fabric and fabric stores.  She loses time in them like I do riding my bike.  There are heaps of them here.  You go in, pick a fabric and a design and custom clothes or furniture are yours in a few days. 

Little bakeries dot the area, sometimes 2 in a block.  This was a heavenly little cake with carmel in the middle and coated with nuts and chocolate.  I may return fat but with proper fitting clothes. 
Bonus chair/fabric store for Chula, she has a chair addiction.  So basically this entire post is to try and convince Chula to come visit me with books, chairs, fabric and pastries.  Shallow.

1 comment:

Byron said...

That looks like a good city to get lost in.