Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Where is your...

"Where is your favorite place to ride?"  Everyone gets this question, and I would just like to say that typically if I am riding, I am pretty stoked.  I have been on great rides around my block with the neighborhood grommets dropping me on BigWheels.  I have been on some loops 100's of times and am still really happy rolling around on them.  New epic trails? Yep, usually having fun. Rain, snow and sleet with Elvis, Jesus and Santa have yielded great rides. 

I first remember going to Landahl when suspension forks were filled with these.

Some sections of Landahl I have ridden a different line every time, even after 20+ times.  I never get sick of Landahl.
Unrelated: Ten years ago the grill was only worthy of cooking meat. Now it has progressed to tortillas, and I might never be the same again. Summer rocks.

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