Thursday, June 2, 2011

Technical? It depends on who you ask

Checked out the Sea Otter trails and was getting the 411 from a shop employee.  He said this is a "very technical trail."  I was thinking roots, rocks and steep terrain.  This was it, you decide.

The trails were hard pack with a little loose sand in spots.  There were some great berms for railing corners.  It was one of those places where it made you want to ride fast, which is impossible for me, especially since my legs are still smarted from being a sherpa for the last week.

This was my favorite trail.  I could ride it all day.


Suzanne said...

100% real work at home
100% limited free trial
100% free time to master
100% take care of your health
100% unexpected pleasantly surprised

David Henderson said...

Turns out Suzanne is a spammer, but I still like her post (except the website = lame).

Work at home, free trails, free time to master, take care of yourself, technical trail is unexpected and pleasantly surprising. :-)

Feltsy said...

Haha that's awesome. I hope you're having fun! It sure sounds like you are.

byron said...

See? A cross bike is all you need out here. I'm sure that dude in the shop recommends six inches of travel for anything you ride at Laguna Seca.