Thursday, June 9, 2011


Picked up Chula in SF and one of the first stops was the ChinaBanks, but some dumbass forgot his useless wooden toy and had to settle for watching Chinese locals play some crazy card games and smoke.  We strolled around SF gawking and wondering where to eat.  The food was amazing, and what better way to top off lunch than with a cone of pork?  Perfect dessert.

SF has something for everyone.

With all the energy drinks out there, I wanted to try something different The Bob Marley drink may have cornered the market on mellow drinks.  Within an hour I was sleep on a park bench surrounded by Chinese locals playing cards. This really works.

After the Marley drink wore off it was off to the SFMOMA to see the amazing Stein Collection.

Chula is a bike ninja.  While riding through the Muir Woods in the environs of one the self-proclaimed birth places of dirt biking, she quickly dropped me on the first climb. After the climb we were treated to a great

descent with panoramic views of the bay and coast.Then a quick ride across the Golden Gate Bridge

and off to a Giants game where we were treated to lots of local color.


Anonymous said...

I heart Bob Marley! Cale

bocomo1969 said...

You suck. I am not jealous one little bit. Shall I send you a fresh case of Cicadas?


Unknown said...

Some photos are very intriguing, thank you for sharing them.

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