Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I beat the ranger was thinking “Sure let the guy from Missouri take a flyer.” So I arrived at Yosemite and was amped to get my back country permit for backpacking. The ranger was super helpful and friendly and did a great job of informing me off all the rules and helping organize my trip. I told him “I like to keep moving while backpacking and basically walk all day.” He had a loop that included 30 miles over three days which is not a heap but plenty if there is climbing. Climbing to the high country. I must thank my trainer, coach and friend for getting me on the program a few years ago when she said  my hip bone density was like an 80 year old women. It paid off because the rangers that were sent up after me never caught me till I doubled back twice. Why did I double back? Nearing the peak the trail turn to deep snow and the trail was imposible to follow.

Then checking the map and doubling back and heading for another loop I soon encountered a stream that was running over my head with these falls shortly below. I started to head back and ran into some backcountry rangers that stopped me by name then requested my permit and gave me a quiz over back country equitte then asked me where I was going. I said the trails were snowed over and the creek was deep and they looked at each other and said “Yeah we have not sent anyone up here yet and figured we would come and check it out today.” So the ranger sent me on a flyer to see if the trails were open when they had no idea. So I asked them what I could do they said chill there or return. Looking around I decided to chill and spend my days in one spot. It was not what I had in mind but it was exactly what I needed.

Not a bad view

Reason number 7 why plants are awesome.

After spending time in the backcountry with no one but the rangers the first day I went to the valley but first waited through this.

I spent the next few days doing day hikes.  Soon after snapping this picture I saw this.  This is the first wild cat that has did not run when it saw me.  Despite me grabbing a big stick and yelling it casually continued to hunt for rodents in the boulders while shooting me glaces that said "sure you could kick me like a dog but my cousin the mountain lion is going to kick your ass so back off "

 My legs are totally cooked.  They have not been this sore ever so I decided to leave the Sierras and head to Big Sur since Kerouac sparked my interest.  From the mountains to the coast in a few hours.  The trails this morning were wide and simple, which my legs needed, but the views were awesome.


David Henderson said...

Very nice!

The Hair said...

You definitely just helped me make my decision on what I should do for a vacation this Summer.

Anonymous said...

It's always a good feeling to realize you are not at the top of the food chain. We all need to visit a place where this is the case. Play on player...

Anonymous said...

Oh ya I'm anonymous...Cale

Anonymous said...

I concur - good to remember how ass-kicking nature still can be. Awesome pics....


megan said...

don't follow kerouac too closely. there's a scene in the dharma bums where he's freaked out by heights in the sierras until he decides, with inimitable beatnik logic, that it's impossible to fall off a mountain and goes leaping down the thing.

ProPam said...

Wow! I am more than a little jealous.

bocomo1969 said...
