Sunday, October 28, 2007

Boulevard does it right....

The Boulevard Cross race is done right. Lots of treats to snack on, a great course with big fields and blue skies. I noticed the Mesa Junior team has recruited some big guns -- do they check ids?
Springfield by far has the most mustache per rider.

USA started strong and finished with a little Bluegrass.

I had troubles with the big barriers.


Anonymous said...

Good times yesterday, all except for that 60 minutes I spent racing. Looking forward to the 10th...CMac

ScottyD said...

Is that last photo Skip going over the barriers?

Skip-o-la said...

Haha ha, hey, isn't that your number? Go get your beer.

Great photos Mr Beans, that one of me makes it look like I'm having fun! Its probably just the mustache, makes it look like I'm smiling.

You got any other good shots?

Brady Beckham said... of the cameras caught a sequence of you over the uphill barriers.

start here and go to previous photos: