Tuesday, November 19, 2013


My wife really likes fabric and shops here.  Now that Chula will read no further I want to chat about pacin.  I have been Flennerpacin, Millerpacin, Bruzinapacin to just name a few.  I consider myself an elite drafter.  A transition road, not quite highway but high speeds and lights only every 5K, is the fastest way to rural roads.  To cut my time on this section of road I warm up in by riding circles around the block for 15 minutes then wait for a bus or semi truck at one of the lights and tuck in behind them.  Getting sucked along totally topped out in gears and spinning is so much fun.  The pavement comes at you so fast and I have memorized where to bunny hop the train tracks
.  Quick reflexes come in handy.  Good times getting dropped by a bus.

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