Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Retirement comes soon rather than later.

My old Ford truck was nickel and diming me with little repairs. Finally a few repairs were going to cost more than the value of the truck I explained to my mechanic that I did not really want to keep spending money to fix it. He said "Yeah our records show you have not really driven much in 5 years. I will give you some cash if you want?" Done deal. So I have not really had a car other than one of these (which I have had since I was 15 and mowed 150 lawns to buy it) for the past year or so. Chula recently asked me "Think you will ever get another car?" Nope. I want one of these when I retire. I waxed about all the trips we could take and how practical it would be. Then I showed her the website and some options. When I got home these were her sketches and ideas. True love. True love.


Schottler said...

I give that van a thumbs up

evenslower said...

Can you have her talk to my wife? I didn't get the same reaction to the Sportsmobile conversation.

Lanterne Rouge said...

I got shotgun...or at least a back seat.

Green with envy...