Monday, May 19, 2008

My liver hurts.

Since no one in BoCoMo will ride dirtbikes with me LA visited to help me reacquaint myself with soil surfing. The adventure started a little rough for me with a late night, a bottle of wine and staying up way past my bedtime. The little gnome visited me though the night resulting in me overshooting every corner at Landahal on beautiful Day 1. Why is it so easy to find stupid signs in Missouri and so hard to find good food?

Day 2 was a trip to a deserted Council Bluffs. As we rolled around the lake we ran into a bobcat who scampered into the woods. LA proved to be a trail ninja. Beer was consumed but not enough for me to sleep through my tent being flooded in the middle of the night by a strong thunder storm. Day 3 was a trip around the Berryman. I was happy to see LA was reverting back to his old ways buy getting a bottle of Boone's to sip around the camp fire. Here is a little video footage of the trail and a little more....

I need to rest my liver more before I write about the remainder of the trip. Over and out for now.


Butthead said...



the turtle heard this and got an idea.