Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"hey purdy mama.."

Chula and I were making a run to the grocery store for ice cream. We were walking in together when I hear this young voice yell "hey purdy mama." Turning around, this 8 year old kid with a mullet hanging out a beat-up flat bed truck. I was stunned. He points at Chula and nods. What to do? We laugh it off and go in the grocery store. Chula goes to pick up the ice-cream, and I am hunting for the driver of the truck. Quick scan of the aisles: no dice. Liquor section? Nope. We check out and leave the other exit and this super mullet, with a cut off flannel is on the pay phone yelling, probably at a woman. As we are walking to the car and the kid yells something again but the matching larger version was progressing to the truck and yells "Shut up you little s***." I felt sorry for the youngin.'

1 comment:

Butthead said...

Reminds me of my childhood