Thursday, October 31, 2013

Stay small

Uruguay is relatively small.  Huge global corporations that control the government and influence citizens via media under the guise of journalism are not well represented.  Uruguay is working toward sustainability with global corporations lacking a strong hold on the media and peoples pocket books.  Uruguayans are behind this as independence and sustainability frees them from global markets and control.  In comparison the US is increasingly lead by rich global corporations with the resources to influence politicians and prop up information to support their continued profits.  All of this to help them destroy the country and world they claim to love.  Working with the government equivalent of the USDA here and past experience with the USDA in the US it is noteworthy that politicians in Uruguay listen to empirical evidence rather than rhetoric from corporations/lobbies.  Yesterday the President of Uruguay and several Ministers visited the research station (building in background is where I spend my time) where I work.  The level of their knowledge and interest was refreshing.  I am proud to be American but America scares me in many ways.  Stretching your legs globally makes it sink in.

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